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9 ways to transform your home office

It’s not uncommon now to split your week between the office and working from home, so it is important that you feel equally as motivated wherever you are! Thanks to our friends at Homebuyers Centre, we are sharing 9 ways to transform your home office.

1.Have a dedicated space

It’s important to have a work/home life balance and let’s be honest, working in your loungeroom is not helping that balance. Try to distance yourself from areas you use for entertaining or relaxing, such as your bedroom, loungeroom or kitchen. It’s time to turn that spare room into your new working space.

2.Buy a big desk

If you already have a nice big desk at home, perfect! You’re on the right track. We recommend having a nice big desk so you’re not feeling cramped or unorganised when you’re working on 5 different projects at once. Even if you’re getting a desk from Kmart of Ikea, you’ll feel much better for it.

3.Lighting, lighting, and more lighting

There’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re in a dark room all day, especially if you’re looking at a screen. It could cause eye-strain and not to mention has overall bad vibes. So open those blinds, make sure you have a lamp ready and replace those old globes with some brighter ones and you should be set.

4.Add some life to the room

Seriously, add a couple of houseplants to your home office and you’ll feel way better for it. Or if you’re not a total green thumb, maybe a cactus or dried flowers to help liven your office up a little. You’d be surprised how much a simple houseplant can improve your mental health.

5.Get a monitor

Stop slouching over and hurting your neck! I know a laptop is technically all you need to work on, but a monitor will make your spare room really feel like an office. Plus, we don’t want to be looking and feeling like a hunchback.

6.Get a good chair

Good placement and good posture is our motto and the best way to do that is with a comfortable ergonomic chair.

7.Clean desk, clean mind

Let’s be honest, that home office/spare room has been used for too long as a place to put all your nic nac’s in. The time has finally come to clean it up and create an organised space to start your working from home life in.

8.Take a break and get out of your chair

Instead of eating in the office, maybe eat your lunch outside. Go for a walk and grab some fresh air. Even open the windows in your room during summer to let the breeze in.

9.Maintain a routine

Maintaining a routine isn’t exactly a way to transform your home office but can help with your mindset towards working from home. Get of our bed early, have a shower, do your skincare etc. Try not to work in your pyjamas, as tempting as it is, as you’ll feel a lot more at ease and ready to take on the day if you are in your professional clothes.