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How you could consolidate debt using a personal loan

A personal loan can be a suitable solution if you’re finding it difficult to keep track of payments for your different debts. Between credit cards, car loans and other loans, consolidating your debt into one manageable payment could be the solution for you. Here are our reasons as to why you should consider it:

1. Lower your interest rate

By consolidating your debt, you could benefit from a lower interest rate. You could save money if the total interest paid on the personal loan is less than the total interest paid across multiple other debts, each with different rates. Who knew simplifying your debts could save you money?

2. Greater control of your budget

Juggling multiple loans each with different interest rates and payment schedules can be difficult, it can also increase the likelihood of dropping the ball and making a late payment – or worse, completely forgetting about it. Consolidating your debt means you will only have to make one regular payment. This will also give you a goal to work towards as it will be easier to understand when the loan will be paid off and how to control your budget.

So now you’re probably thinking ‘is this something that I could do?’. A Resolve Home Loans Personal Loan offers competitive rates and with our easy to use app, you’ll be able to manage your new loan at the tip of your fingers. Take advantage of the potential benefits of debt consolidation and apply online now, you will receive an application response in 60 seconds and funds within 24 hours of approval. Click here to get started.